Sunday, January 31, 2010

Easy How To: Make Break-core

Step 1. Find a Break
Step 2. Speed up that Break (optional: put your dick in the box)
Step 3. Burn it to a cd
Step 4. Scratch the shit out of it
Step 5. Play back and sample it
Step 6. Repeat for next track

Friday, January 29, 2010

REposting and something ORIGINAL

I hate to post unoriginal content, but some times it is too damn interesting to not repost. So here is my promise, all unoriginal content will be posted with something original to balance it out. so here, today, is a short video about the man with the worlds largest record collection, along with a new album by my friend OWL CHALLENGER <----lots of records movie <------cool, new, hip music

also, if anyone wants to tell me how to make things hyperlinks, this site would become much more interactive

J.D. Salinger dies today, and thoughts about DIY music equipment

So, author J.D. Salinger died today. Age:91 (ERRATA: actually he died wednesday,oops. D.R. FTW). He became famous for writing The Cather In The Rye, which I thought was a pretty lame book, (but I may have missed the point entirely cause I don't have a strong interest in literature). So I guess this so called "classic" really qualifies as a classic now that he's dead. Now he can go join Shakespeare and the other dead legends we learn about in high school english class.

Now down to the real business. winter NAMM happened, and i saw quite a few interesting things pop up here and there. For those of you too lazy to Google it, NAMM stands for the national association of music makers/manufacturers. I do not remember what the last part of the acronym is, and like you, I am too lazy to search for it.

Two products specifically caught my eye: the Z.Vex Inventobox ( ) and the Doepfer DIY synth kit ( ). both "major" manufacturers of musical equipment. I only use the term major here, because they could actually afford a NAMM booth and sell very finished products on a worldwide scale, even if they only appeal to boutique/niche markets.

Just take that in for a second. 2 largish manufacturers making diy kits, in the same vein as the monome and to a lesser known degree eric archer ( )

I'm coming to realize that is post is going to end up way longer than i would like it to be. So, go follow those links, go learn something and I think this may be part one in a many part series on DIY electronic music equipment.

Also, one last note of the day, another death. Miramax films is done forever. Thats te film company Kevin Smith made all his movies with as well as No country for old men. This makes me more sad than Salinger not being around anymore

a thought about open source and the year of the linux desktop

so let me start off by saying that the terminology year of the linux desktop is terribly dated. i feel it should be called year of linux pervasiveness. but even now that term seems a little awkward.

with so many open so many open source os's coming to market, the world many just accidentally become the foss world that nerds like me and you dream of. in the past week, two friends have gotten the droid. the motorola phone that was built in collaboration with Google. it runs android (in a very confusing naming convention on motorolas part) an open os. do my two friends give a hoot if its two battles won against proprietary software/hardware combos of the likes of blackberry and iPhone? i highly doubt it.

but thats just it. open source cannot win a battle that isnt being fought. normal users, in the end, will just pick what works flawlessly, and intuitively . this is the reason why the iPhone does so well. its simple and intuitive. i highly doubt that most users complain that its as closed as fort knoxs. i really think with the efforts of people advertising open source as one of the benefits of the droid, not just the software, but implying it as part of a feature of the device, it could help make a more open world. my plan is as follows

people start associating the great user experience they have on the droid with the term open source. then, when it comes to getting a new device, open souceness could be used as a selling point,oddly enough, to persuade a customer even if they do not fully or even partially understand exactly what it is. its a win-win situation for nerds and regular consumers alike. a more open source world filled with great open devices. this war can only be won with subtlety and cunning. The year of open source pervasiveness may happen soon, without anyone (except the 20 or so linux nerds) noticing.

I really hope this 4 am post makes sense tomorrow.
Sorry about grammar and spelling errors. It was typed up mostly on the Droid itself, which seems to not be friends with blogspot (kinda contradictory to the whole point of this post, but shhhh, don't tell anyone).